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        for FAIR logo       CRC-TR 211 Logo        Nuclear Physics Colloquium

Venue: Physics Building, Max-von-Laue-Str. 1, Seminar Room PHYS 2.116
Time: Thursday, May 23, 4:30pm (s.t.)
Contact: hees@th.physik.uni-frankfurt.de

Mitigating pileup and underling event for jet studies in p+p and A+A collisions at LHC energies

Alba Soto Ontoso (BNL)

Jet reconstruction analyses at the high-luminosity phase of the LHC will face a similar challenge as current heavy-ion studies: how to mitigate the impact of the overwhelming and fluctuating energy coming from unrelated soft interactions (pileup/underlying event) on physical observables. In order to address this pressing issue, we propose to improve the momentum reconstruction resolution by exploiting intrinsic correlations among the soft and hard sectors of QCD jets [1]. In this talk, I will show that our data-driven approach results into a 5-40% improvement on the resolution of the reconstructed jet $p_T$ compared to previous methods in a high-luminosity proton-proton scenario. Its applicability in a heavy-ion context will be also discussed.

[1] Yacine Mehtar-Tani, Alba Soto-Ontoso, Marta Verweij, arXiv: 1904.12815 [hep-ph]

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