HIC for FAIR logo Nuclear Physics Colloquium

Location: Institute for Theoretical Physics, Physics Building, Seminar Room PHYS 2.116
Time: Thursday, November 6, 4:30-5:30pm (s.t.)
(plus 10min for discussion)
Contact: hees@fias.uni-frankfurt.de

Kinetic Theory of Chiral Relativistic Plasmas

Juan Torres-Rincon (SUBATECH, Nantes)

I will present recent results on the kinetic theory description of relativistic plasmas of massless fermions. I will introduce the semiclassical equations of motion for chiral fermions and the transport equation of a QED plasma at high temperature. Using this approach, the parity-even sector reproduces the standard results of the hard-thermal-loop action. In the parity-odd sector, I will show how the axial anomaly and the chiral magnetic effect can be obtained when the effects of the Berry curvature are consistently introduced in the equations of motion and in the fermion dispersion relation.

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