Dr. Andreas Zacchi

Dr. Andreas Zacchi
Institute for Theoretical Physics
Max von Laue Str. 1
Office: 02.136
D - 60438 Frankfurt

Phone: + (49) 69-798-47865


Currently I am a Post doc in the group of
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schaffner-Bielich and affiliated in the astrophysics group at the Goethe University Frankfurt.
My research interests are:

Activities I:

Currently I am studying the impact of the fermion vacuum term in the SU(3) quark meson model. The influence on the equation of state and on the resulting mass radius relations for compact stars is of importance for the constraints coming from the GW170817 mneasurement. The results including the fermion vacuum term are compared to the results of the mean field approximation of the model. For a given parameter set the mass radius sequences are more compact in the mean field approximation compared to the extended version of the model. More compact star configurations allow for rather small values of the tidal deformability parameter Λ.

This model, once extended to finite temperatures, enables us also to study Supernovae equations of state, the proto neutron star remnant and compact star merger.

My Master-Thesis can be found here as well as my PhD-Thesis.

List of publications.

Activities II:

Summer term 2014: Tutorial: Theoretical Astrophysics.
Winter term 2014/15: Tutorial: General Relativity.
Winter term 2015/16: Tutorial: Astrobiology.
Summer term 2016: Tutorial: Compact stars.
Winter term 2017/18: Tutorium: Klassische Mechanik L3.

Activities III:

As a student of physics I was given the opportunity to teach some mathematics and physics at the Schule für Erwachsene (SfE), which is located in Dreieich-Sprendlingen. Having the opportunity to use this URL I placed some quite useful documents on mathematics and physics, such as tests, exams, exercises and links on this site. Just click here....